
Publisher: National Institution of Adult Continuing Education [ All ]

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  Title Copies
The Politics of Adult Education 
Year: 1991 
ISBN: 1872941079 
Series: Radical Agendas 
A History of Modern British Adult Education 
Year: 1996 
ISBN: 1872941664 
Border Country: Raymond Williams in Adult Education. Part 1 
Volume: 22 
Year: 1990 
ISSN: 02660830 
A Point to the People: Teachers, Policies and Unemployment 
Volume: 22 
Year: 1990 
ISSN: 02660830 
Older Adults and Basic Skills: A Preliminary Exploration 
Volume: 22 
Year: 1990 
ISSN: 02660830 
Border Country: Raymond Williams in Adult Education 
Year: 1993 
ISBN: 1872941281 
The Adult Student at Secondary School: A New Zealand Case Study 
Volume: 22 
Year: 1990 
ISSN: 02660830 
Racism, Ethnicity and University Adult Education 
Volume: 22 
Year: 1990 
ISSN: 02660830 
Comment: Beyond Acces 
Volume: 22 
Year: 1990